Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookie Delivery Starts Sun. 2/11 & Boothing Starts Sat. 2/17/2024
Girl Scout Cookes Fuel A Century of Adventure for Girls
Most people have a special place in their heart for Girl Scout Cookies. Not only because they’re spectacularly delicious but also because the Girl Scout Cookie Program helps girls fulfill their dreams, follow their passions, and change the world!
The program, which is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program for girls in the world, helps Girl Scouts fund unique adventures for themselves and their troops all year long. It also allows them to give back to the causes they’re most passionate about—it’s the Girl Scout way! As Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs learning essential life skills every step of the way, girls are also transformed into the bold and brave leaders that will make the world a better place today and in the future.
When you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, you’re helping to power new, unique, and amazing experiences for girls—experiences that broaden their worlds, help them learn essential life skills, and prepare them to practice a lifetime of leadership. Girl Scouts earn proceeds for our troop, which are used for troop activities, our Bronze award project, and other service projects in our local communities.
Girl Scouts Central California South Cookie Booths start February 17th! More details to come!
Part of our Proceeds will be donated to Heifer International